Thursday, November 24, 2016

First Letter!

Happy Thanksgiving! This week has been the longest week of my life! It has been hard adjusting to missionary life, I miss you all so much but it's all worth it. I love everything about the mission field except having to leave you all. I feel so honored to be serving the Lord. I'm jealous you get to see snow, but I get 70 degree weather down here! It's so beautiful; there are palm trees everywhere and right across the street is the temple. My MTC companion is so awesome, his name is Elder McCarthy.

The plane flight down here was 14 hours of sitting in a chair, I traveled with 12 other missionaries but I sat by myself the whole flight and I didn’t sleep a wink! As we arrived in Argentina none of us knew Spanish. We got on a bus that was falling apart and we put our bags in a minivan. After we got on the bus, we watched the minivan drive away with our bags. The bus departed and we were so excited to be in Argentina. After a while we could see the temple. It was surrounded by palm trees, red flowers and many other plants. We pulled up to the MTC and we found our bags!!

We were welcomed by elders who spoke Spanish so fast it scared me. Turns out they’ve only been here for 3 weeks. I have been here for 1 week and I already know so much Spanish, we pray at least 10 times a day and now I have a testimony about the gift of tongues. I know that god answers our prayers. 2 nights ago I had a dream in Spanish and that was crazy considering I understood every word. Here in the MTC we have a chef that cooks gourmet meals and we get steak every day. There are 80 missionaries in this MTC and only 15 of us are white and the rest are Latino.
They love us so much! They only know Spanish so that’s the only way we can talk. Every night we walk around saying LE AMO!! That means I love you all it’s so funny it’s like we are a big family. Today we did an endowment session in the temple and we all needed it. The peace we felt was so emotional it was all in Spanish though hahah. I’m in good hands, I love my heavenly father, I love the people here. This thanks giving I’m thankful for all of you who support me. In Spanish: estoy agradecido por evangelio, el evangelio de jesu cristo es verdadero. Adios!

Le amo, Elder long​

November 24, 2016